History & Board of Directors
Paul S. Weiss graduated from MIT with S.B. and S.M. degrees in chemistry in 1980 and from the University of California at Berkeley with a Ph.D. in chemistry in 1986. He is a nanoscientist and holds a UC Presidential Chair and a distinguished professor of chemistry & biochemistry, bioengineering, and materials science & engineering at UCLA, where he was previously director of the California NanoSystems Institute. He also currently holds visiting appointments at Harvard’s Wyss Institute and several universities in Australia, China, and South Korea. He studies the ultimate limits of miniaturization, developing and applying new tools and methods for atomic-resolution and spectroscopic imaging and patterning of chemical functionality. He and his group apply these advances in other areas including neuroscience, microbiome studies, tissue engineering, and high-throughput gene editing. He led, coauthored, and published the technology roadmaps for the BRAIN Initiative and the U.S. Microbiome Initiative. He has won a number of awards in science, engineering, teaching, publishing, and communications. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, the American Physical Society, the American Vacuum Society, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Materials Research Society, and an honorary fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society and the Chemical Research Society of India. He is the founding and current editor-in-chief of ACS Nano.
DIGIVATIONS™ was launched with the University of California in 1997 leading to the founding of its international DIGIVATIONS EDUCATION VENTURES in BC, Canada, DEMIGOD™ INSTITUTE in the US and its NASA award winning educational non-profit affiliate federal 501(c)(3) DIGIVATIONS™ CAMP DEMIGOD INSTITUTE. They are dedicated to providing STEM+ARTS+HUMANITIES+MOVEMENT day and overnight programs including Innovation & Literary Camp Demigod™and 360° solutions to solving 21st century challenges facing community, regional, national and international populations
These entities have led to the establishment of the educational non-profit, DIGIVATIONS XGENS. XGENS comprises High School and University Model United Nations Academies and Delegations which participate at MUN Conferences held at the UN in Geneva and NY, as well as Harvard and Yale, among others. It also includes Institutes focused on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their Academy of Exponential Thinking which deploys design thinking to educate citizens about the UN's SDG'S enabling their ability to implement the Goals at the local, regional, national and international level. XGENS also includes an Accelerator and Incubator, Collaboratorium Innovation Resources, (CIR), focusing on translating and applying scientific as well as artistic and humanistic research and discoveries systematically to support achievement of the targets underlying the UN's SDG's.
All of the referenced non-profits share a common mission: educating and training youth, adults and professionals with "Sustainable Skills to Build Sustainable Communities." All of these entities include and attract world class academics, professionals and industry stakeholders who support community outreach throughout the globe.
These entities have led to the establishment of the educational non-profit, DIGIVATIONS XGENS. XGENS comprises High School and University Model United Nations Academies and Delegations which participate at MUN Conferences held at the UN in Geneva and NY, as well as Harvard and Yale, among others. It also includes Institutes focused on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their Academy of Exponential Thinking which deploys design thinking to educate citizens about the UN's SDG'S enabling their ability to implement the Goals at the local, regional, national and international level. XGENS also includes an Accelerator and Incubator, Collaboratorium Innovation Resources, (CIR), focusing on translating and applying scientific as well as artistic and humanistic research and discoveries systematically to support achievement of the targets underlying the UN's SDG's.
All of the referenced non-profits share a common mission: educating and training youth, adults and professionals with "Sustainable Skills to Build Sustainable Communities." All of these entities include and attract world class academics, professionals and industry stakeholders who support community outreach throughout the globe.